2013 – SB349 Naturopathic Doctor licensing bill
Opposed, not passed
2011 – S467 Naturopathic licensing bill
Opposed, not passed
2007 -2009 – H842 Safe harbor exemption bill
Introduced March 2009, Support
In 2013, a Naturopathic physicians’ licensing bill SB349, was introduced. It is being opposed.
The Consumer Health Freedom Act , HB 842, was last introduced into the 2009 North Carolina legislature and was scheduled for its first hearing April 30th, but it was taken off the schedule to give more time to negotiate agreed upon language. The bill was “developed over years of work by notable health freedom advocates, in conjunction with a year-long “legislative study” by a “Legislative Study Committee.” The study committee held a series of three public hearings in major NC cities (Raleigh, Asheville, New Bern) where more than four-hundred citizens expressed support for health freedom.” Taking the lead in moving the bill and gathering support from new sources for their bill is Citizens for Health Care Freedom, a long standing reputable freedom group in North Carolina. Sunshine Health Freedom Coordinator, and Citizens for Health Care Freedom are working on the effort. Other supporting organizations are North Carolina’s Certified Natural Health Practitioners (CNHP), NHFA, Coalition for Natural Health (CNH), and Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation (SHFF) State Coordinator. Activists are also keeping an eye on the language of licensing bills that may negatively impact health freedom.
North Carolina
Sunshine Health Freedom State Coordinator
Deborah Jones
E-Mail: debbiedoc@yahoo.com
North Carolina
Citizens for Healthcare Freedom (CHF)
Claiborne Holtzman, President
Mike Causey, Executive Director
State/Bill Number:
2013 North Carolina S.B. 349
NP Licensure
03/25 (S) re-refer to Rules & Operations – no change 5/22/13
State/Bill Number:
2013 North Carolina H.B. 676
eliminate dietetics/ nutrition board
5/16 Re-referred to Cmmtt on Rules, Calendar, & Operations of House- no change 5/22/13