Congratulations New Mexico!!! In 2009 New Mexico HB664 passed and was signed into law by the Governor on April 7, 2009. And we hear that things are now going well in New Mexico. New Mexico’s Complementary and Alternative Medicine Project (NMCAAMP) leaders successfully moved their safe harbor exemption bill through to passage after two years of preparation and study mandated by the legislature. HB664, sponsored by Representative W.Ken Martinez, passed two Committees in the House and passed the full House floor on March 5, 2009. HB664 then went to the Senate and passed two committees in the Senate and passed the full Senate Floor unanimously!!! NMCAANP is a health practitioner and freedom group that has worked to establish a safe harbor exemption law for persons engaged in traditional, cultural, complementary or alternative health care.
New Mexico Complementary and Alternative Medicine Project,