The Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation is a non-profit foundation created exclusively for the promotion, maintaining and expanding health freedom for Nature’s Sunshine Distributors and Managers.
The primary purpose of the corporation is exclusively for health freedom within the meaning of Section {c4} of the Internal revenue Code of 1986, or such other provisions of Texas or Federal law as may from time to time be applicable. This Corporation shall not be for profit.
The purpose of the corporation is to promote access to all health care information, services, treatment options, and products that people deem beneficial for their own health and survival, including without limitation, the promotion of an understanding of the laws and factors impacting the rights to access alternative health care.
The specific purposes of the corporation are to study and research literature, traditions, laws, rules and regulations pertaining to natural, holistic, complementary, or health care practices or other forms of health care practices and or take steps in order to better assure consumer choice and access to all health care practices and to assure Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation Policies.
Together, we are the essence of American Democracy:
We are Trail Blazers and Path Finders speaking out to direct Congress to act in our best interests, not those of special interest groups.
Our support comes from people like you and companies like Nature’s Sunshine who are determined to be a beacon of light on this path to health freedom and to protect and preserve the right to make their own health choices. This includes the access to herbs, supplements, homeopathic and nutritional medicine. This path to health freedom includes the right to choose natural treatments for diseases and prevention of diseases.
The Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation is a “network of networks” created by “people helping people to a happier, healthier life” and to disseminate the facts, challenges and triumphs in our shared battle to protect, preserve and defend our right to make our own health choices.
We are blazing a trail for generations to come that will allow our children to have health freedom based on what they, not the government, believe are the best choices.