Get Involved
What Can I Do?
You Can Get Involved!
Tell me and I’ll forget.
Show me and I might remember.
Involve me and I’ll understand.
Let Your Voice Be Heard!
We look to each person or organization to disseminate the information and action alerts that the Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation distributes and to support the work that the Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation is doing to protect the health freedoms of ALL Americans.
If 10 people alert 10 others and that cycle is repeated 6 times, one million people have been notified !
Our voices will say, millions of times over, “We the people want, and will defend, our health rights!”
Become a Health Freedom Advocate
Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation is a volunteer organization.
Make a donation to the Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation. Share your time, your talent, your connections and your funds to people who can help us, your network and your money to help us keep our health freedoms alive and well. Have a friend who does public relations? Your cousin knows a Congresswoman? You are an expert at clerical skills? We need all of that and much, much more. Have ideas that can increase our effectiveness? Want to arrange a lecture, rally, symposium, fund raiser or a concert? It’s your organization. Let’s build it.
Become a State Coordinator
Help out by volunteering to be the Coordinator for your state. If you are interested in helping in this capacity, please contact Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation.
Become a Path Finder!
If you don’t want to be the State Coordinator, or if that position has already been filled for your state, consider being a Path Finder!
A Path Finder is a person who helps the State Coordinator with Health Freedom in their state.
If more people were involved, more would get accomplished! Also, the more involved means that only a few don’t have to do all the work! Even if you can only do an hour a week… that is an hour a week that would be greatly appreciated!!!!
There are many opportunities to help:
Data entry, phone calls, faxes, emails, fund raising, research, and much more!
If you are interested in being a Path Finder, please contact your State Coordinator or Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation.
Build Relationships with Legislators
It is important that you build relationships with your personal legislators.
If you don’t know who your personal legislators are, go to this website:
When you have a relationship with your personal legislators, it helps when you contact them to ask them to vote for a health freedom bill, or to help defeat a bad bill.
Become a Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation SUPPORTER !
Please support the Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation
as either a Corporate or Individual Sponsor
Every dollar counts. If every person who takes Vitamins and/or Supplements sent only $1, the foundation would have $175 million dollars to fight for our Medical Freedom. This is a battle the American people want and have to win. Please support the foundation so everyone can win this war! We urge you to give generously to help us make your voice heard so clearly that no one will be able to take away your health freedoms. Not now, not ever! But your support is urgently needed.
You have an exceptional opportunity to be part of health freedom history! Join The Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation in creating a network which will impact the world-wide struggle for health freedom! Help us illuminate the path to health freedom!
Please send your donation to:
Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation
Attn: Kirk Bashaw
2130 Five Mile Line Road
Penfield, NY 14526
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
-Ronald Regan