CODEX Update: October 2, 2013

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The CODEX Alimentarius Commission is a joint activity of the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). The Commission has There are more than 2 dozen Committees and Tasks Forces within the Commission focused on specific areas of international food trade.

The Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) has in the last 15 years expanded its scope to include vitamin and mineral dietary supplements. The 35th session of this Codex Committee will be held in Germany in early November. FDA’s Dr. Paula Trumbo will head the U.S. Delegation. USDA’s Dr. Allison Yates will serve as the alternate U.S. Delegate. The meeting will include discussion of a revision to Nutritional Labeling Guidelines as well as General Principles for Establishing Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) for the General Population as well as Revised NRVs for vitamins and minerals. There is also scheduled to be discussions on the list of Food Additives and consideration to the creation of a ‘Trans-fat Free’ label standard.

The scheduled public meeting on the agenda and the US Position was scheduled for October 3 but has been postponed due to the partial shutdown of the Federal Government. Further information about the US Position on matters that affect your access to dietary supplements and other food related issues will be posted soon.

Please Note: Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation does not engage in an analysis of the technical aspects of establishing standards, but rather focuses on the issues that directly affect consumer access and health freedom.